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48 Hours

This article has been written for a prompt during the Indifiction Workshop. You can find the prompt and more about Indifiction here. I think it is incredibly ironic that Krishna, the cleverest God in the Hindu pantheon, was born in a prison and had died almost a royalty. On my part, I …


I stood in the boat, sullen and anxious, while the instructor helped me into the SCUBA Gear. Sullen, because I was seasick, …

Bisle – Darr ke Aage Jeet Hai!

When the trip started, it promised adventure. By the time we were halfway through it, it became much more. We had started …

The Late Goodbye

He had never seen her so vulnerable before. He couldn’t really do anything about it, but that didn’t stop him from being …

The Girl with Messy Black Hair

As I passed by her house everyday,In the mud and the grass, I would see her play,In her frilly little frock, that …

Tim Lak Lak

When you are little, she makes you want to grow up. When you are grown up, she makes you want to be …

Wordly Woes

Rcntly, n infinitly annoyng habt has bcum ncreasngly prevalnt amng yngsters (n evn d eldr ppl spendin 2 mch time on d …


Congress,An old man sent to jail before he committed something you call a crime, over 5000 detained for, well, not eating and …